Friday, July 18, 2008

what i learned... the two longest short days ever.

1) You don’t have to compromise yourself. I constantly try to focus on the good, always have try to be the upbeat girl, smiling all the time. But I’m human, it’s okay to have some off days. When you start faking it, then you’re just lying to yourself.

2) Designate time for yourself, a moment to breathe and re-gather, time to re-focus yourself on the ultimate purpose. And when that doesn’t seem to help, trust that there are people who support you.

3) Making enemies just as a target to direct your frustrations on doesn’t help the situation. Understand that they too have valid intentions AND feelings. Communication is key. Obviously without communication, there are all kinds of misunderstanding and further frustration.

4) There needs to be a balance between the commitment to what you are involved in and the interests of those participating.

5) Be conscious/cautious of how you express your frustrations. Most of the time, your impulsive reaction is to resort to ugly negativity. When you start shooting out negative energy, it just gets passed on…and we all know that gets you nowhere.

6) Stress is temporary. You will overcome challenges. Everything will work out not necessarily the ideal way you envisioned, but definitely the way it should.

7) SPOP is a beautiful program, full of a diverse group of beautiful staffers and participants. Just when I think I have a full comprehension of what the program offers and what it stands for, it just continues to surprise me with more wonderful blessings.

8) And finally…prayer works. Thank God for everything.

1 comment:

helen said...

hi melody! this is helen from cfbc and julian told me to find you! i'm so glad i got to meet you and i hope i'll be seeing you more often :)))