Monday, August 9, 2010

say y-y-y-YES to v-v-v-v-VBS!

Ah yes, August has snuck up on us, which means deep-fried everything at the OC fair… but also it’s Vacation Bible School (VBS) time! Last week, our church united to serve the children of the community for a week-long event of delving into God’s Word, singing silly songs, grubbin on delicious home-cookin’, arts-and-crafting, and learning about how awesome Jesus is! After each day of VBS, the staff was exhausted, but we re-energized for these kiddos in hopes that we would be effective witnesses of the gospel.

This year, God presented me with the challenge of teaching grades 4 and 5 with my awesome assistant duo, Derek and EJ! Although this rowdy group of “Space Rangers” were unable to maintain focus for more than 3.5 minutes, they were such a blessing! Their eagerness to learn and understand the gospel transformed into big, heavy questions. It was a test of our patience, of course, but praise God because we could experience their true child-like faith that He calls us to have. I pray that these kids will one day learn to know and love Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior.

I could see God moving for sure through the week. It was such a beautiful sight to be in the main auditorium for worship, seeing everyone from toddlers to the elders singing together and reciting memory verses. It was awesome to know that in each class from babies to the “more mature”, people were hearing the gospel and how absolutely relevant it is to their lives. What an incredible display that there is no age limit to when a person can learn about God, especially because God is so infinite that we’ll never understand Him completely. But what we do know about Him and what He offers is more than enough to have true assurance in a God who loves, cares, strengthens, forgives, etc etc etc. PTL f’sho! :)

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