Sunday, July 25, 2010

it's not about us.

There is a throne at the center of the universe and we are NOT sitting on it

- Pastor Mike Eary, Rock Harbor

“In the beginning GOD.” God doesn’t need us. Creation will worship Him even when we don’t. It is a privilege to worship Him. It is a privilege to take part in His story. As Pastor Mike Eary reminded us, this story is not about us. This life is not about us. It was not created by us, it is not sustained by us. In the scope of eternity, our life is but a vapor, a mist. We are mere instruments and background characters in God’s story. He is the Creator, author, director of our lives (which is pretty awesome because my self-written story would probably turn out just as flawed as I am). He graciously provides us with this wonderful life to enjoy. Despite the reality that we are so small in His world, He loves us so much to the point of sending His own Son to die for us. In our tiny minds, that just doesn’t make sense. Why would the most powerful, greatest, mightiest God do such a crazy thing for such “disposable” creatures?

Then I remember that He loves us. I cannot emphasize that enough. Despite how insignificant, unworthy, overlooked, dirty, useless we may feel, He loves us. And in that brokenness, in our weakness, in our realization of how helpless we are in His world without Him, we can truly understand our strength when we put our entire trust in Him. For when I am weak, I am truly strong because I remember that I need a great and powerful God to fill my voids and renew my heart daily.

Mike Eary says that when we realize that we are not the main character of this incredible story, we will become incredibly important and used for God’s purpose. It’s so easy to get swept up in the me me me of society. My dreams, my wants, my desires, my feelings, my pain, my schedule, my life. With this mentality, we begin to feel entitled to things, people, attention, etc. Imagine telling your closest friends that you’re going to live for yourself, for your own happiness. That seems like such a silly way to live, but we’re all guilty of it (myself included). It seems rather foolish to crave others’ praise when we should be directing ours towards the One who ultimately deserves ours beyond measure. Thank you God for reminding me that it is not about us, it’s all about You.


Jan said...

awesome post, melody! awesome reminder. we do not direct our own lives.

Alicia said...

I just found your blog and I want to say AMEN, sister! I've been reading Francis Chan's book "Crazy Love" and he was saying the exact same thing... God is worthy and deserves of all our attention, praise, and time! Thanks for sharing your heart! :)