Thursday, August 26, 2010

family at zee fair

Last Tuesday, the Cruz sibs and the bro’s gfriend excitedly drove up from sd to the OC fair, with growling tummies and intense cravings for anything deep-fried, dipped, battered and/or covered with anything unhealthy. But we were literally stopped in our tracks as it turns out the fair was closed Mondays and Tuesday (i know, who does that?!) We made the most of it and had a delicious dinner at Haven gastropub instead, which left our tummies quite satisfied in the mean time.

BUT our appetites for fatty fried fair food had not yes been fulfilled, so attempt #2 came the following Sunday. This time, we had our eyes on the prize with double the determination and double the hunger… and ah yes, our eyes were definitely bigger than our bellies. We were completely stuffed after the chocolate covered bacon (super yuck), zucchini weenies, deep fried sweet potatoes, garlic fries, italian sausage, icee, deep fried s’mores, deep fried oreos, turkey legs, shaved ice and some funnel cake. Mmmmm. We shall rest our bellies and arteries til next year OC Fair!!

I thank God for my two sisters (perhaps soon to be 3!) and my favorite brother (yes, it was a hard choice). We don’t all get to hang out altogether, considering the bro and gfriend live way over in NY, but when we do, it’s so refreshing. Obviously, no one knows you like family—- the ones you grew up with, the ones who played with you, the ones who bullied you, the ones you could share your deepest thoughts with, the ones who teased you, the ones who told you it was going to be okay, the ones who braided your hair, the ones who shared, played and prayed with you. We’ve been through a lot together, but God has sustained us. And I highly doubt you’ll ever read this—- but thank you mommy and daddy for raising us exactly how you did. I know we’re not the easiest kiddos to deal with. We don’t tell you enough how thankful we are and how much we love you, so I hope we try to do that way more often.

Thank you so much God for these lovely people I am blessed to call my family.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

you and your sisters have the exact same smile, with super white teeth.