Friday, August 13, 2010


I don't know what it is, but lately I have been feeling a little restless. I crave adventure, but few open slots in my day-to-day. While, I am a fan of structure, I often want to scream without the luxury of a flexible schedule. Perhaps it's because I've been sitting comfortably in this Irvine bubble for five years and the OC just ain't cuttin' it anymore. Maybe it's because I feel like God's calling me to do some big things somewhere else. Nonetheless, I trust that God has planted me here for a reason and I hope that I'll be able to accept His current mission with a joyful heart and not a bitter flesh. It's so easy for us to fix our eyes on our problems instead of Your promises. Enlarge my heart, increase my faith, God.

I have been praying for God to grow me to be content, to be patient in these current circumstances and to understand that there are opportunities no matter where I am... but I truly believe God is calling my little heart elsewhere. Now is the time to really pray without ceasing, to align my desires to His as I seek to honor Him with whatever He has in store for me...

Exciting opportunities have been presented for 2011 and I pray that I would be granted the discernment to make some big decisions. Lord, guide me because the future is unclear and I fight the temptation to be anxious, but I rest in the fact that You are real and You work all things together for good for those who love You.

...and friends, how may I pray for you?

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