Monday, October 26, 2009

let's GO.

when i think about the Lord
how He saved me, how He raised me
how He filled me with the Holy Ghost

how He healed me to the uttermost
when i think about the Lord

how he picked me up
turned me around
how He set my feet
on solid ground

i've been thinking about this song a lot. what an absolute joy to know that God loved me, even before my own parents loved me, way before i even knew who He was. He picked me up, turned me around, set my feet on solid ground! PTL!

it makes me want to shout hallelujah!
thank you, Jesus!

Lord, you're worthy
of all the glory,
and all the honor
and all the praise!
Hallelujah! thank you, Jesus!

Lord, you're worthy of all the glory,
and all the honor
and all the praise!

- When I Think About the Lord by Shane Barnard

at rock harbor, the current series is "a life that demands explanation". do you live your life set apart from the world? does your lifestyle make people curious to know what makes you so happy, so hopeful during the good and the bad times? even though you profess to have Christ on the inside, do your outward actions reflect that? does the joy and peace of having Christ in your life make people ask questions? are you a light? do you stand out in a crowd of non-believers?

it's been a blessing to hear about this topic of being "set apart" from the world and hearing church friends excited to live radically for Jesus. it scares me to get lukewarm, going through the motions of "that Christian thing", getting too comfortable with my faith, which hinders my own spiritual growth and also stunts the growth of His kingdom. it's like holding in an all-powerful cure to all diseases from everyone in the world because of laziness or fear of how someone's going to respond. that's just silly.

a resident sent me a video of jaeson ma sharing a message at the University of Texas (i encourage you to watch both parts). he explains that often time, today's Christians are so caught up in having people come to them. come to church, come to bible study. and while that it is all good to be bold enough to invite people... instead, he suggests to GO. go out and preach the gospel, go and talk to strangers, go and take those risks, go and serve the Lord. leave the security of your comfort zone. im really trying to do this and i've learned it ain't easy. it's scary and i still doubt myself, but i think that's where the problem is because it's not about me. it's about giving these daily missions to God because only because of Him and through Him and with Him can we find the strength to actually do anything at all.

pray for boldness.
pray for wisdom.
pray for opportunities.


But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord.
Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone
who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.
But do this with gentleness and respect,
[1 Peter 3:15]

it may seem difficult to explain so much,
but dear Lord, give me the courage and wisdom to try.


Julian Leong said...

very convicting, and something i need to hear. thank you.

Anonymous said...

Yes, very refreshing Melody. Ah, I miss RockHarbor. Thank you for putting into words what I've always felt.

I hope your walk is going great!! (: We love you Jesus, all Glory to God.

Take care dear.