Thursday, June 18, 2009

grace story.

i was particularly blessed by a sunday evening rock harbor service (06/07/09). pastor chad preached on the prodigal son, a familiar parable, depicting God's love and forgiveness to those who repent and humble themselves to Him. the rebellious son turned to a worldly lifestyle, engulfed in sin. after recognizing how empty that "reckless living" was, he returned to his father, feeling unworthy of any provisions or refuge or love. the son was disappointed in himself and didn't expect his father's forgiveness after admitting his disobedience. but this loving and compassionate father was overjoyed of his son's return and demanded a grand celebration. what an unexpected blessing!

oh man, pastor chad was right when he said that we would not hear that parable like we ever did before. he discussed that like the forgiving father in the parable, God also performs that great forgiveness with us. even with our sinful nature, constant rejection and temptation to stray away from God, He still grants us his abundant love. He doesn't care what mistakes you've made in the past (Lord knows I’ve made my share of ‘em). You don’t need a long list of good deeds you’ve done to make up for anything, as long as you return to Him in faith with a willing and repentant heart. no obligation for frequent rituals and obligations, just a relationship grounded on faith. it's free love---reliable, unending, abundant, steadfast. it's just our choice if we want to accept the greatest gift imaginable. pastor chad also included that leaving us with this free will was the most merciful act God has ever done because living life alone--- trying to endure these trials with unreliable methods, filling voids with more emptiness--- just shows how much we really need something/someone to save us from ourselves. and how awesome is it that God, because He loves us, already sent that Savior, Jesus Christ, who died to forgive us for the countless sins of all mankind. i must say that is pretty awesome indeed. PTL!

after the message, a girl named kim shared her testimony of a life wrapped up in meaningless sex, heavy drug/alcohol abuse, and unhealthy abusive relationships. after years of chaos, she acknowledged that something was missing--- she turned to Christ and now has this intense joy in her life that she never experienced with anything before (the temporary effects of drugs/alcohol/relationship could never match the joy she has now in her faith). i was really taken aback and really encouraged by her life story. i was able to speak to her briefly after the service and she explained to me that she doesn't regret anything because now it is part of her testimony that could maybe help lead others to Christ; she's just so thankful that God gave her a second chance. it's so easy to think "man, my life sucks" and then you actually open your ears to such suffering others have endured. pastor chad explained that “everyone has their own grace story” where God’s grace was poured out into their lives to draw them back Him. it's not at all a coincidence that people often turn to Christ after realizing how empty their life is. becoming more than just a believer and fully becoming a follower really makes a difference. personally, i think it has been the best decision i've ever ever made. regardless of where you've been, what you've done, what you've experienced, i'm constantly reminded that everyone needs a Savior.

praise God for His grace.
because i am constantly reminded that without Him, i am nothing
but because of Him/with Him/through Him,
i have everything i need.

as always, im more than happy to talk more about this.
so whenever you'd like, whenever you're ready, im here to listen :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

this is a great reminder