Monday, December 1, 2008

just keep swimming

Julian: “And in all of this…how much time do you take to count the pros?”

Even in challenging times, I suppose it’s our human nature to direct our focus on the negative factors that drag us down. Shake your fist, curse the world, kick the ground, slam the door, take out all possible frustration on others. Fortunately, I can now cling to my revived faith to keep me moving, to be patient with how events play out, to “trust that there's a light at the end of this dark dark tunnel”.

I am increasingly grateful for the incredible support systems of family, friends, teammates, roomies, co-workers, boyfriend and most importantly God, the creator of all good things in life. Many many many thanks to these awesome people for keeping me grounded and pushing me forward, my roots and my wings.

A special kudos to the b-friend for being there, for understanding that it’s okay to just listen and for always redirecting me to Him at those times where I want to stray away. I’m really thankful for you jurr. I really do think you have no idea.


Gen said...

oh so true, many times we dont' realize how much the situations we are in has many many thankful things to God.

SuJ said...

it does seem like human nature to think about the negatives. maybe its instinctual, how animals are risk averse and cautious. but the beauty in all this is the positivity, the freedom, the faith you get from it.

lody lody lody lody

helen said...

yes, praise God for the hope we have in Christ that keeps us going in all circumstances!!! i've learned that the toughest trials are ultimately the ones that grow your faith the most, which means more joy! plus, praise God that He gives us what we can handle. and the ones in our lives truly are gifts from God. hooray!

i miss you mucho. hope to see you soon and chitter chatter!!! i'm praying for you, sister friend!

Unknown said...

Finding something to be thankful for in a bad situation reminds us of God's sovereignty over our lives.

See you soon.