Monday, September 1, 2008

wedding bells..ding ding ding!

...well not until February, but still.

After a full 10 years of being with the love of her life, my ate mae is finally tying the knot! Their wedding date is set for their actual 10-year anniversary. But first things first...the bridesmaid took a little trip to santee in search of our dresses. We were shocked to see that a majority of the stores were closed! Fortunately, there were a handful of stores that were still open. With God's grace, we found the perfect dresses...and were able to bargain and score a sweet deal. The ladies were all surprised that we successfully reached our goals early as we headed back to Irvine for a long-awaited lunch.

7/9 of the bridesmaids after a successful day of shopping

After lunch and lounging at Ate's place, we satisfy our sweet tooths and head to Mochilato! To our lovely surprise, some relatives meet us there to participate in the desserts.

Everyone devoured their treats including my amazing grandma.

while Naomi [aka baby melody] naturally modeled for all the guests.

Another blessed day with family.

1 comment:

Nettey said...

someone's gotta get Grammy a bib. Naomi is gettin' an early start with that tabletop act...soon, people will be throwin' dollah-dollah bills at her.