Wednesday, September 3, 2008


You have to stick your head in a bucket for 30 seconds.
Choose its contents: fish guts, horse urine or roaches.

You just moved into an apartment with extremely thin walls.
Choose your neighbor: a bass player, a sex addict, or a parrot breeder.


We’ve established a new post-practice tradition = cha talks = CHALKS. Our teammates reunite at cha amidst the lit trees, metal furniture and over-priced boba drinks. We happily unwind together after intense practices, allowing the conversation to take its own twists and turns. Tonight, some topics included barguments [a new personal fave] like the one above, college choices, SAT scores, and more storytelling. I really love the ambiance of CHALKS being enveloped by friends/family, being more of an observer and listener, being comfortable in your surroundings.

Then randomly, the topic of food provoked an instant craving for croissants! We stand up on a mission and embark on our first spontaneous “let’s just do it!” adventure [which will hopefully become another frequent activity…Erika, you pinkie-promised me!]. We arrived at our destination of Newport to partake in those delicious croissants as we sat along patreezy’s beloved “ebb tide”, devouring the warm tastiness of our midnight snack. All that goodness really did hit the spot. More conversation and, of course, more pictures…

Due to a restricting gate and an awkward encounter of a couple’s intimate moment, our plans to walk the pier were ceased. However, soon after the coast was clear, the couple left, so we strolled along the pier until the gate. The boys did the usual dancing as the girls initiated a little chit chat about relationships and such. Then…

Pat: “Let’s have a deep conversation guys”

And so we do. We talk about life…the common topic of such times.

In addition to swapping stories of awkward roommate stories, we also discuss how time flies…how our first year was such a blur…how people change…how some people don’t change at all…how we’ve changed and how we wish people from home would acknowledge that. I remain relatively quiet as I force my attention to the events happening right in front of me although my mind is elsewhere. Despite the racing thoughts in my mind, I try not to lose focus of “the now”.

During the remainder of the conversation, I am content. The waves are crashing, I am in a close circle of friends I’ve known for years, speaking intently about the ups and downs of life.

Thank God for dance that brought us together,
thank God for moments like these that keep us that way.

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