Thursday, May 6, 2010

hey soul sista

meet my beautiful cousin, jenevieve. we would see each other at random family parties as we were growing up, the usual friendly hello's and small talk. but it wasn't until she joined mcia delta year where we actually started getting to know each other. since then, she's matured so much! from awkward freshmen newbie to captain to coord (for two years!) she's also been involved in various on-campus organizations where her passion and dedication continue to shine. above all this, her heart's been moved and transformed by the Holy Spirit as she was saved by grace earlier this year when she decided to dedicate her life to follow Christ. i'm super encouraged by her rapid growth in boldness and knowledge so early in her walk. her resilience, understanding and excitement to learn more and more about Jesus is such a blessing!

jenhabib, im really proud of you and i'm really glad i can share this experience with you. today, during our weekly hangout, you told me that when you move back home, you're scared that you'll be alone in your faith... rest assured i am but a phone call away, cousin. im here for ya now and later and know that im always praying for you, my little sister-in-Christ. beyond that, don't ever forget that God will always be with you. now that's unconditional love. what an absolutely wonderful promise! PTL! love you!

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