Thursday, December 24, 2009

ciao 2009!

2009 has been full of incredible blessings! i am so undeserving of the opportunities and lovely people God has blessed me with.

some highlights:

i finished up my last year dancing with MCIA (it was an amazing 4-year run). my oldest sister got married to the love her life. i turned 22 with the most wonderful birthday surprises ever. i was re-baptized!!. i moved out of 198 (sad i know). the bfriend celebrated his 23rd birthday with more surprises. lots of friendsies graudated, including my sister from nursing school. lots of birthdays, celebrations, reunions and shindigs. went through some challenges, learning to trust God more. participated in my first cfbc VBS. attended harvest crusade. celebrated 1 year with the bfriend. started the year as the Resident Advisor of Crickhollow. started training for half-marathon. read more of my Bible and grew closer to God. spent quality time with family, friends, bfriend and church family.

besides all these blessings, i cannot fail to forget the Blesser. dear God, you are soooo good to me. i still make mistakes and my flaws continue to surface, but You are so patient and so loving despite all of that. i pray that i remain faithful and trust in Your sovereignty even when these naive eyes cannot see the sliver lining. i praise You and i thank You for all these things that you have so graciously bestowed upon me and i pray that others may be grateful for the life you have given to them. i also pray that they acknowledge what else you offer them beyond this life--- the hope, peace, joy, abundant love in living a life for You because You sent your Son to die on a Cross so that we may live and enjoy these very blessings. thank You for another fabulous year and i pray that you reignite the passion to serve You, living a life worthy of You and to share the good news with those around us. to God be the glory. so see ya 2009 and hello 2010! :)

1 comment:

Ash, Cat, Kyan and Nakia said...

You're so good girl. I continue to be inspired. Hope to catch up with you soon. Text me k. <3