Tuesday, August 18, 2009


there have been an overwhelming amount of blessings in this past year, let alone just this past month! God really IS a faithful and loving God and im so thankful for the blessings and trials that He's been sending my way.

oc fizzle.
fried food + friendsies
198 family reunion.
$10 all-you-can-eat korean bbq + sweet apartment deposit.
date nights.
late night dessert + photo shoot.
harvest crusade 2009.
worshiping our wonderful God with thousands of people!
greg laurie's message was a great reminder of how things of this world do not satisfy, but Christ can provide the ultimate joy that everyone searches for.
cfbc youth beach trip.
PTL for this group of crazy kids! intense games, frolicking in the water, praise & worshiping on the sand, harcore carwheel battle and jurr's message about preventing distractions to our walk with God. fun in the sun, enjoying God's creation among bros and sisters in Christ.

celebrating one year with the bfriend.
God has most definitely taught the two of us soooo much during this past year. i praise God for bringing this guy into my life (i must say he's pretty cool). God has really grown us on our individual walks with Him and i pray that He continues to sustain our relationship
regardless of which coast we're on.
playtime with a.phu and r.j
this silly duo visited the OC for some galavanting, picture-taking, jam-packing into one sleeping bag at the park and a lovely devotional over some yummy shaved ice.

and though some moments aren't always so dandy as these pictorals, i know that all these temporary troubles are not worth stressing over compared to the glory that is yet to come. God is so super good and sometimes i find myself just in awe of where God has brought me over this year of change. i cannot imagine a life without this faith, without the grace that God generously pours out, without His patience with me. while im overjoyed with all these blessings, i pray that i do not forget the blesser, the One who gave us Christ, the greatest blessing of all.

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