Tuesday, January 27, 2009

hey, just thought you should know.

modernCIA hip-hop dance team. sometimes i think i'm crazy to stay on this non-competitive hip hop dance team for a full four years of my college career. why? what good will being on this team do for my future? why invest my time and heart into such an organization? will "dancer" really enhance my resume? what's so great about dancing in a structure until 5 am? why put up with the frustration, the drama, the sweat, the exhaustion? what's the point? mcia has definitely taken a lot out of me over the years. there were several times where i questioned my choice to come back year after year. then there were the thousands of times where i thought those questions were just silly. i come back because of those individuals that are right there with me, going through the same emotional rollercoaster, the same changes, the same struggles, the same experience of falling in love with the team over and over and over and over again. God wasn't ready to let my passion for dancing slide after high school and so here i am, half-way through my fourth year on this team. i can't even begin to explain my gratitude to YOU mcia-ers for being my outlet to this crazy world. it's highly unlikely that the 100+ mcia peeps who i've had the blessing of dancing with will read this post. but hey, just thought i'd share how i feel or at least begin to try.

this is what keeps me here. my happiness. you ask why i stay? because of the many beautiful people i've shared these four wondertastic days (nights & early morns) with.

because every day on mcia is the BEST.DAY.EVER. :)

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