Thursday, February 14, 2008

written on feb. 12, 2008

I know that I’ve taken advantage of this blog to publicly include everyone in my personal ventfest. And while Im sure it would be much more exciting to write about rock and roll themes…I choose to write about the downs and ups of my life that tend to be relatively bland or irrelevant. Like ive said before…oh well. Read on if you’d like.

- A couple weeks ago, while going up the ramp in rex’s hotel’s parking structure, I scratched the side of my car. The wall’s white paint left an ugly battle scar on my beloved Buh-dunk-a-dunk. My dad reassured me that it could easily be fixed with paint. I was super relieved………….and then Friday came. With the stress of rushing from class all the way to Carson to pick something up from my auntie, then back to Irvine Spectrum to pick something up for my sister, then to rush down to sd to avoid traffic…..i pulled into a parking spot a little too fast, hitting the car next to me. While that car was left with a couple scratches on their rear [and a overly-apologetic letter from me], my poor car now has a fresh dent and more scratches to contribute to the previous mess. Luckily, the owner of the car was understanding and hopefully we can work something out.

LESSON #1: Breathe. Calm down. Take your time. Moving too fast doesn’t get you too much beyond where you need to go. Instead, you might neglect something very very very important during the rush.

- So I had my club event on Friday planned by the bf at On Broadway. Oh man, what an awesome first experience downtown! My love, my sexy ladies and lots of good friendsies came out to celebrate my 21st. I was proud of myself for not getting too crazy and knowing my limits. Rex was even proud when he heard a guy ask me for my name and I told him to “ask my boyfriend”. I danced, I laughed, and lots of pics…and even a little good ol’ mexican food to end the fabulous night. After that night, I was excited for all the other opportunities that downtown and all those 21+ “privileges” have to offer…………..and then Saturday came. Probably since January, ive been begging my sisters to take me out to the not-so-trendy places around town. So Saturday, we got all dressed up and headed for downtown for a ladies’ night. Flirtatious guys were also out that night, working their lame game and buying us drinks in exchange for some small talk. Couple shots, couple drinks and taking over the rock bottom dance floor…I was beyond donezo. The events of that night were definitely not of my proudest moments [from what I remember]. the aftermath lasted until pretty late on Sunday night. So for ignoring my limits and falling into temptation…I regretfully missed church, missed practice, got lectured by my grandma, broke the shower curtain and received random battle scars. I guess my grandma was right when she said, “drinking too much wine is bad, it is temptation and that is the first and last time for you okay?” I guess I needed Saturday to realize the lack of satisfaction of getting super drunk.

LESSON#2: Know your limits or that wax on those beautiful feathers will start melting off when you ignorantly think you can fly all the way up to the heavens…

- I scored my first clients with my awesome tutoring job. $30/hour aint too shabby. I had my first session with a brother-sister combo. I was excited to start finally making my own moola and to stop smooching off the parentals. It was a little frustrating, but I felt like I could really reach these kids and motivate them to improve……..and then Sunday came. I got a voicemail from my boss saying that it wasn’t gonna work out with my clients. Apparently their parents didn’t see progress with their previous tutor and, though they reassured me that it was nothing personal & that the kids really liked me, they needed to cancel my sessions. So im back to being jobless and broke. Maybe this allows me to have more time for school?...or any other unproductive activity that have become my guilty pleasures.

LESSON #3: [pending]

- This week, I had the pleasure of having 2 midterms, 2 papers, 2 presentations, and 2 quizzes. The book for my open book midterm was sold out everywhere, but luckily I survived that mess. So with all the chaos that I had piled up within these 5 days, I thought it’d be smart to start taking my laptop to my classes so I could multi-task in hopes to get all my work straight, which really started to pay off……….and then today came. I downloaded a pdf for my group presentation on Thursday, only to have my computer get possessed and go Matrix on me. Unfortunately, my computer genius roomie couldn’t save my baby this time. So in conclusion, my laptop is donezo for like the 3rd time. Pictures and files probably lost. Lovely.

LESSON #4: fujitsu computers may not be the best choice.

I can’t help but acknowledge my personal theory that life works to maintain some kind of equilibrium. Yknow how it is when you feel like all the forces in the world work together Alcehmist-style and everything is all zip-a-dee-doo-da and wonderful. Then suddenly, something steals those stars, chirping birds and rainbows floating above you and replace it with a storm. The world seems unfair, your mood is flipped to an all-time low and you can’t understand why everyone around you is all smiles.

If this was me in high school…let alone a couple months ago…I’d be cursing the world and blaming everyone. But for some reason, I suppose Ive learned to better accept things. I know it sucks, bad timing, more stress…but really…IT COULD BE WORSE. So with my faith placed on “all things working together for good”, im hoping that after this week, a new cycle of good things will come.

And with all this…I cant help but return to my favorite verse:

“All things work together for good to those who love God and are called according to His purpose”- Romans 8:28


so with that said, happy valentines all you lovers & friends.
in a relationship or not, be sure to tell any of your loved ones that you love 'em...
and don't need a date on the calendar to do so.