[written jan. 28, 2008]
Two major events have happened since the last post that have opened my eyes to the greater things in life…
1- My love for MCIA has grown beyond words. With this year being my third year on MCIA, I’ve been able to experience various ups and downs with the team. My first year, I regretfully didn’t hang out with the team as much, considering I was still overly-attached to home and struggled to balance an officer position in a club, and so I didn’t entirely feel connected with my teammates. My second year, the Delta newbie class brought a new life to the team, full of spontaneity and crazy sexy coolness. Even though I still battled with time management [and lost many times], my secret love for dance was revived because of the awesome people on the team. And now this year…OH MAN. I have never seen such a hardworking & naturally talented newbie class as a whole, so much passion and dedication wrapped up into these awesome individuals. Everyone brings a snipit of love and life to the team. Not only do they dance their hearts constantly, they also display extreme love for the people on the team. Game nights, late night J-Bo hangouts, TGIF chaos, Yogurtland dates, long drives for a 24-hour tofu house meal and 5 am practices are to blame for my average of 2 hour-a-night sleeps. “Heaven Week” was so intense, so frustrating, so exhausting, but nonetheless efficient…and when we freaking performed at VIBE on sunday, I felt the extreme positive energy busting out of those 37 teammates. Experiencing the energy onstage, hearing the crowd cheer, watching the video and hearing how ecstatic the team felt afterwards…just amazing. It kinda makes me feel silly for even considering to not dance after I came back from italy. I highly doubt I’d be as happy with my life if I had chosen otherwise. MCIA, each of you 38 wonderful people are awesome. Thank you.
2- Since I stayed up in Irvine this weekend, I went to NewSong church with Jen Chung, Ryan, K-Duh and Julian on Sunday. At home, I go to a Protestant church on the Miramar Marine base that is full of [very] old Veterans…so going to an intense praise & worship service [with people of my age] was a drastic change. The message was about the good Samaritan parable with the emphasis of being a good neighbor to everyone, ignoring the boundaries of race, religion, etc. Often times, we are selective on who to love when, in fact, we should love and forgive everyone fully and completely. Just overall, it was a very moving experience to be surrounded by goodness and good people. Initially, I was overwhelmed by the intense environment, but as the service went on, it hit me harder and harder…to the point where I was in tears, overwhelmed by everything, the message and my inner-thoughts. It’s definitely been an emotional rollercoaster with me lately where Im trying to make big decisions, set my priorities straight and figure out what I should really focus on in life.
Let us dance for you, let us dance for you.
check us out: