Thursday, January 24, 2008

I started reading the Bible again.

With me being excessively analytical about almost everything, I tend to fall into those blah periods where I take a step back and kind of evaluate my life…where I’ve been, how far I’ve gone, and where I want to be in x amount of time. It’s a little scary…or actually extremely terrifying…to realize that mid-20 is quickly coming up, the age where as a child I imagined myself as an “adult”…or at least on a steady path to adulthood. And with my return from Italy, the beginning of real school, less hours of sleep, longer nights of bondage…and struggles to balance all that I have and all that I want, I can’t help but find myself in some kind of rut. I can’t figure out if it’s because of my constant desire for something new & exciting or the acceptance of “it is what it is” that’s provoked such mixed feelings. [not really sure if that all makes perfect sense] Regardless, it’s the strange funk that occurs every now and then…and for some unknown reason, i suppose it's now…

Here I am, freaking third year in college, extra-curricular accomplishments under my belt, so sure of my future career in Education, another year pursuing the passion of dance on MCIA. Im holding on to major ambitions, life goals and dreams that are bigger than myself. Plans to be a SPOP staffer again this summer and an RA my 5th year...credentials and grad school somewhere down the road. With the encouragement from a couple of friends, I am continually trying to develop my faith in God and hopefully I’m on the right track. I crave knowledge to expand my book smarts and general understanding about life. I enjoy deep conversations and spontaneity. I want to learn about people beyond the surface…about their childhood, their goals, their families, their crazy ideas.

You might read this as a self-glorifying/self-absorbed post, which is definitely NOT what I intended. I think blogs are created to initiate thinking or stir up a dialogue between writer & reader, or to expose personal thoughts without the awkward obligation of instant feedback. Nonetheless, I think ill just keep pushing through and exercise my right to get my ramble on. I suppose this post became a little contradicting with the initial "what am i doing with my life?!" then a turn into "man, not too shabby". I am more than happy about how God has mapped out my life thus far, full of challenges and blessings. I just hope that I’m taking what He’s throwing at me and using it in the right way.

In conclusion,

Life is good yo. Be thankful.

“And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to his purpose”- Romans 8:28


random snipit of the day

1 comment:

angela said...

let's analyze together next time.
