Tuesday, April 8, 2008


Okay, so I was like 2 when they were at their peak, but with older sisters who were crazy fans, I was right there with the diehard fans with big shirts with these guys’ faces on them. OMG! It’s time to bust out my giant buttons and neon shirts because NKOTB are back together and going on tour!! Freaking Jordan, Joey, Donnie, Jonathan and Danny are definitely no longer kids (in fact they’re like late 30s and have various real world careers) but ready to perform for all their screeching-girls-turned-MILFS fans! I guess their CD comes out this summer and touring starts in the fall, which gives me some time to bury thru boxes of tapes and our VHS collection to get back in the groove.

As most reunions, I doubt they’ll be as incredibly awesome as they were in the early 90s, but still, I’m excited, which means YOU should be too.

- Thomas Beatie, transgendered and married, made an appearance on Oprah and was featured in People magazine. Beatie grew up as a woman (and was even a pageant queen) and has now chosen to live his life as a man. After artificial insemination (because his wife is unable to get pregnant), Beatie became pregnant. While some people are a bit confused by this situation, I think it’s pretty intriguing. As a supporter of free choice, although I think this is definitely an unusual story, I think Beatie and his wife have every right to have this baby peacefully, granted the baby is raised appropriately. When I was reading about this, I saw that “Beatie said many doctors had refused to treat him and one warned him: "People would try to kill my baby because it is an abomination.” Even his own family called his future baby a “monster”. LAME. I understand that this is shocking and beyond any social schema we may have, but if this couple is loving and caring, then what’s the problem? I bet these same people who don’t want this person to continue the pregnancy are also anti-abortion, which is completely contradictory. They’re a husband and wife about to have a child. Apparently this whole man-having-a-baby thing isn’t even uncommon. Later in the interview Beatie and his wife explained how they would tell their future baby about how she came to be:
"When she's old enough, we'll sit her down and tell her everything," Beatie said.
"We will tell her how her parents love each other and love her very much.
"Our daughter is beating these incredible odds to get here - physical obstacles, social obstacles, everything.
"And in my dreams I dream the world will see her the way we do,as this amazing gift to us. As a miracle."

SPEED RACER, the movie?!
So I wasn’t exactly a super-fanatic of Speed Racer as a kid, but WOW. This movie looks pretty tight and with the hardcore team who created The Matrix trilogy and V for Vendetta, it must be pretty crazy….AND on top of that, Emile Hirsch [from Girl Next Door and Alpha Dog], is playing Speed, which ain’t too shabby. Other cast members include Susan Sarandon, John Goodman, Christina Ricci and um…that MATTHEW FOX GUY (aka jack from LOST aka greatest show ever)!!!!!…oh yeah, and that JI HOON JUNG dude, a Korean pop-star, who brento and cacho have a boy-crush on AND who is apparently one of freaking Time magazine’s 100 Most Influential People Who Shape Our World” (?!). I told cacho that I hope it’s not corny, then he reminded me that the actual cartoon was corny, so I’m counting on the graphics to steal the show. I hope it doesn’t disappoint (too much).

USHER’S new cd [which cacho just informed me is released in June]
I admit I was a little thrown off when I first “Love in This Club”. I thought it was a little too different from the usual Usher songs, BUT it reeeeeeally grew on me and now sounds like his usual amazing jams. I can’t wait to see his new choreo in videos and hear him and his sultry voice. He’s way talented. It’s about time U-S-H-E-R R-A-Y-M-O-N-D came back, maybe he can save hip-hop up from its gradual downfall.

SPOP staff!! We have small groups that meet once a week and I finally met my new family and THEY’RE FREAKING awesome. Really down to be spontaneous and crazy. Dude, its gonna be one insane ride thru the quarter and a rollercoaster of events in the summer. I can’t wait.



Prom Night. As most “horror films” nowadays, I’m expecting this movie to be corny, exaggerated and overly-predictable.

Beyonce and Jay-Z getting married?! There goes two of the most top tier-est entertainers into wedlock. All right, maybe just one. That Jay-Z man. The top-est of tiers. Now I’ll never have a chance with him. Sad, sad. I guess Beyonce isn't bad to look at either. ;)

Living Lohan. Yup, another new “reality tv show” of rich celebrity families and annoyingly spoiled kids about to air. It’s going to feature Lindsay’s mom, little brothers, and her 14-year old sister (a mini-Lindsay who seems like she’s just as annoying). Our beloved Miss Lindsay Lohan is not even going to be IN the show, so once again, a celebrity’s family is banking off of their success. So now this show [which might unwillingly become another reason to be frustrated with television.

um. that is all. im getting distracted from blogging because cacho is now admitting how much he hates all of us and listing off the reasons EXACTLY why. and its quite entertaining. im waiting for derek to kick his butt with his japanese ninja skills. brento is passed out but giggling randomly. cacho is using big words and mentioned how filipinos grow hair out of their moles. and now he is continuing with detailed descriptions of other races. interestingly good way to end my good day.


CommanderCacho said...

i do not have a crush on RAIN, that was SUSAN.

and he's not only on the Time top 100 influential people, he is the #1 most influential person in the world.

Kristine said...

i always forget the donnie wahlberg was the creepy guy in the sixth sense :/

Unknown said...

ive said it once and ill say it again, i love your blog - pure haterade. damn straight. fuck everybody else!